Anyhoo, after discussing various potential shapes and forms, and settling on a crown-like effect, we stopped mincing words and got down to business. Or rather, Lara got down to business, as she basically put this whole thing together by herself:

What's that equal?

Jakey isn't the art-projectiest toddler out there. (No, seriously, he actively avoids participating in the school art stuff. I'm just happy the teachers are low-key about it.) Still, hat day is hat day, so we whipped him up a little takeoff on one of those folded newspaper boat hats:

The end result of his look (Project Runway, here I come):

Crazy hat kids, striking a pose:

In Boston everybody decided that we will have another crazy hat day this coming week-end (not to one-up anybody, of course)! :)
And, OMG, the kids are SO cute and funny!
Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!
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