November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

During the day, as always, the kids raided a couple of offices near their school for the annual candy distribution... ahem, trick or treat fest.

One office goes all out for the decor. Not only do they turn out all the lights and deck out the whole space with a witch zone, a skeleton zone, a pirate zone, and a creepy critters zone - but many of the people who work dress up in costume too! Totally awesome.

But, on the other hand, with each passing year, the treats they hand out are less and less treat-y. Yes, obesity, yes, child-onset diabetes, I know, I know... but somewhere in the core of my being I can't help thinking that stickers do not a Halloween treat make.

No, worries, though, because the second office is all business. All lights on, no decor, no costumes - just straight up candy, candy, CANDY!!! The funniest part? The first office does exterior and interior architecture and design. The second office - accounting. Way to live up to stereotype, dudes!

At night, we walked around the neighborhood. Lara was a little freaked out by the walking-up-to-strangers aspect of the thing, but I think seeing the candy results helped steel her nerves. She was ever so carefully inspecting her haul... which Misha and I raided later that night.

And what greeted visitors to our door while we were out and about? The replacements:

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