March 3, 2009


Dried roses on a plate

I dried some of these roses. In my experiences, roses are the best flowers for DIY drying - all I do is hang a bunch upside down and wait for them to turn crisp. They are remarkably hardy, especially if left alone, and they keep much more of their color than other flowers I've tried to do this with. Are there other varieties you've had luck drying?

Incidentally, that lovely plate was a present to myself from the sale area of Anthropologie. I recently went back and saw that they have a whole line of tableware in this pattern...


Tomorrow, we are off on a mini-break to lovely San Francisco. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and I'll see you at the end of next week!


Karen said...

Have wonderful trip! I hope the weather is nice for going outside to the park & playground.

Misty said...

those plates are amazing. I would LOVE to have the dinner plates.

Anonymous said...

hydrangeas dry beautifully!

Evelyn in Canada said...

My favorite dried flowers are peonies. They keep a lot of their color and stay nice and full.

Anonymous said...

Try Hydrangeas - nancy r.

Lori said...

Wow, crafting and photography. I'm impressed. And inspired!