May 5, 2011

Cozy Quilt

Flannel quilt
I realized that I never shared the finished quilt with you guys! I really like how the top part was changed by the ties - it looks all cute and lumpy and cozy. For the binding I used leftovers from the white and brown polka-dot flannel from the quilt's B-side. We've been sleeping under it for a week now, and it's been judged a win. Whoo-hoo!


WYSIWYG said...

Beautiful!!! Tying it was a great stylistic choice. Think that looks the best, really! How did you make the seam binding--with a tool or by hand? And, only if possible, may we see 'side B'? May happy fulfillments as you enjoy your lovely creation.

Swisher Sweets said...

It looks very nice and best to share with us. It looks very attractive and best combination of beautiful colours.