February 1, 2011

Sidestepping Salad Dressing

This may well be a time-tested trick, but I just discovered this yummy way of avoiding salad dressing and wanted to share. I threw a pretty generous amount of olive oil on a pan, good amount of salt and pepper, and a bunch of cherry tomatoes (the bigger ones halved, the smaller ones left alone). About ten minutes later, you've got what I guess ends up being a kind of oil and vinegar-ish mix - since the tomatoes are so acidic - as well as some sauteed tomatoes to throw on top of spinach leaves, broccoli, feta cheese, pine nuts - or, you know, anything else you might want to throw on there. Scrape the pan over the salad to get all the oil, tomato juice, salt, and pepper out, and then enjoy!

Salad with sauteed tomato faux-dressing

1 comment:

WYSIWYG said...

Yum! Looks fab!