July 2, 2010

Lara's artwork

Hi everyone.
Anna's been super busy with a variety of projects, both craft-centric (and interesting) and real-life required/revenue generating (less interesting).
However, Lara's picking up the creative slack - witness her deciding to recreate one of her favorite pages from her new favorite book, The Adventures of Isabel.

Lara sat down, copied the picture using marker and crayon, and then got frustrated because she didn't know how to color her picture black, like the book. So I daddy-style photographed it, and ran upstairs with her, and introduced her to the magic of Adobe Photoshop. Daddy-style, again; if Anna had been photoshopping Lara's picture, it would be much more uniform... but I had to whip this up while a very-cranky-should-already-be-in-bed-4-year-old waited... so here's what Lara came up with (for a picture of Isabel, in bed, being set upon by a bad dream):

(marker, crayon, and a touch of Adobe's "paintbucket." Lara signed it 21st century style, and credited me as her assistant. She's the best. I love the giant Isabel hair/wings, and the huge nostrils. Lara said the nostrils are how the dream-monster breathes fire. Did I mention she's the best?)


ailikate said...

We love that book! It was on heavy rotation here for the first two weeks we had it out of the library and is still a frequent request. I love Lara's picture of the monster!

mwg said...

what a great project and an introduction to Photoshop. Great work, Lara and her able assistant!:)