February 14, 2010

Blizzard Fun

What did we do whilst being snowed under and before being plowed out? Well, let's see...

There were Valentines to be made for all the Rockets at Lara's school:

There was some homemade play dough, which was awesome...

until we tried to store it and it got super gluey-sticky in the Tupperware container. (Any advice for next time, folks?)

There was painting with some new tempera:

Of course, there was dressing up to go downstairs to play in our building's ad hoc playgroup. See? It all matches because it all has stripes:

A complex ship-bus was constructed, sailed, driven, and washed in an under-chair car wash:

Still, sometimes during a snowstorm, you've just got to unwind. There was also a lot of this:

1 comment:

mwg said...

omg - they are the cutest! I loved Lara's striped outfit:)