Anthropologie was having a huge sale on dip-dyed napkins (handkerchiefs?) and I really couldn't resist (each for $1.95!)... Now they are a little skirt for the little girl. And oh, my goodness, is she is a girl - you should have heard the 10 minute shoe discussion this morning as I tried to get her to just put any of them on and get out the door. Am I fueling the fire by making her all these skirts? Probably. Then again, this is about the height of my sewing skills and I don't see myself tackling pants any time soon. I guess this way she'll also appreciate the value of handmade? Or maybe this way I get to do something fun for me and I shouldn't worry about the impact on her so much. That seems sound.
Adorable idea.
This is SO adorable - I loved it!
You are a clever Mama! Off to check out some favorite sites for clearance fabric napkins/handkerchiefs!!!!
Very nice!
I have a pair of #2's jeans waiting to be hemmed. Not as creative, but better do it before she grows taller.
Very cute idea!
OMG, I want one! You got skills, mama!
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