Customizable collages and oil paintings now for sale on my Etsy! I'm so so excited about them.

The idea is for people to send me a photograph (or several, and I'll pick one) which I will render into a stencil, and then use that stencil to create a portrait either in mixed media collage or oil paint, similar the ones above. Obviously, for oils, colors are completely customizable. For collages, I am open to the inclusion of any materials, but generally tend to use found paper and other found odds and ends. I think these would be great presents for the holidays.
I think the portrait collages are fantastic! I just bought and blogged about your kitchen today. I need to place some more online orders today so that I get more cardboard boxes work with :)
I'll send you a picture when I have mine constructed!
Next pay check: buying one for my mom of all her grown up kiddos! :) Or perhaps one for me... HMMM...
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