April 20, 2008

Happy Passover!

We had a lovely Passover weekend, matzo balls aplenty.

I made Lara a dress for the occasion out of this ridiculously cute fabric that I had been hoarding until reasonably sure I wouldn't screw up.

Shirred dress

Shirred dress

Shirred dress for Passover

The fabric is Heather Ross's "Lightning Bugs and Other Mysteries," which is now all gone! I used Vegbee's wonderful tutorial on shirring. All her guides are faboo - and check out her stuff on Craftster and Etsy. Totally great clothes.


  1. Both of you look gorgeous! Happy Passover!

  2. Yes, I love your dress, too. And the shirring is very impressive!

  3. Happy Passover! You totally inspire me to work with the piles of fabric hoarded in my closet!
