November 14, 2007

Lara misses her birthday!

Or, at least, she remembers it really well...

In other very exciting news - today Lara happily went in the bath all by herself and played in the water, and refused to get out! She still won't sit down in the tub though. Hopefully soon. We're very excited, though I have to say that all this progress has been made with Daddy and I fear that any baths Mommy administers will cause regression. We'll find out this weekend.


  1. My daughter also refused to sit down in the bath. The moment she learned to stand that was it and she only started sitting down a few months ago (about when she turned two.) Strange little things aren't they?

  2. Love looking at her - she is so yummy :)

  3. The bath-tub news are so exciting! Let's keep our fingers crossed... Way to go, Yaya!
