November 19, 2009

Lara's Mr. Men

You guys know that series of books, right? We have Mr. Tickle at home in book form and Mr. Bump in bandaid form, and I think they have some at school too - and Lara is mildly obsessed with all of them. Recently she drew a bunch of them, and I wanted to share (after scanning in the original guys and insetting them in the drawings to show what she was copying.):

Mr. Men - Mr. Grumpy

I love Mr. Grumpy's tiny green hat.

Mr. Men - Mr. Clumsy

Mr. Men - Mr. Tickle

I love that Mr. Tickle's smile got turned into a frown. I'm thinking Lara is projecting her own feelings about being needlessly tickled there.


  1. These are the best ever, and nothing is cuter than her little concentrating face as she draws a little bit of line then glances at the picture to see if she's copying it right; she's the cutest!!!

  2. Very impressive! She's spot-on with these. Thanks for sharing!
